2 1142 114.6 Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 Which languages does a lot of scientific language come from? 2 How is the formation of plurals different in scientific writing? 3 What are the characteristics of scientific texts? 4 What is the writer's attitude towards learning technical vocabulary? N 82
A Carlos came to London before Christmas. When he arrived, he went to stay with some friends. He has been in London for several months, and he's going to stay until the autumn. b A I'm looking for Susan. Have you seen her? B I saw her yesterday, but not today.Did you look in the coffee bar? A Yes. I __went there before I __asked you. c. A John, you know I _borrowed your bicycle last night. Well, I'm afraid I ___have lost it. B That's awful! Where __did you __go? What time _did_ it __happen? A Well, I __left your house at 8.00, went home and __chained it outside my house. Someone must have taken it during the night. I __have phoned the police, and they're coming soon.
1) Ядерная бомба 2) Они очень важны 3) Америка, Польша, Беларусь, Англия, Великобритания... 4)Если твой друг любит озеленение или из родных, то ответь да. И какие растения ты видишь у них дома? 5) Они в быту упростить домашние хлопоты домохозяек. 6) Легкую, интересную, твердую или занятную жизнь сама решай (лучше легкую и интересную). И объясняй почему у тебя жизнь такая легкая и интересная. 7) А вот это я не знаю. Я не живу там, где ты живешь. Просто напиши, какие товары производят в вашем городе.