Minerals - essential intermediate link between mining and usage. This is the area of mining science and production, which includes a set of methods, techniques and tools of human activity on the design, construction and operation of mining and processing enterprises, in order to achieve the desired consumer qualities of natural mineral raw materials and their integrated use. Enrichment in demand at the concentrators, research laboratories, design offices, not only coal, but also other mining industries. And when you consider that the educational institutions that train such specialists, not so much, it is no exaggeration to say that graduates go-dressing "like hot cakes". Enrichment of minerals is sort of coal or ore in size, serves enrichment machines and equipment, auxiliary equipment, including automatic control means. Identify and address emerging hardware problems. The nature of work fortifier minerals: concentration of iron, manganese, chromium and other ores on washing machines with capacity up to 50 t / h. Observation of the uniform loading and unloading the washing machine, the correct course of the washing process, working elevators, pumps, water distribution network, mechanisms to remove schepi and other foreign objects. Regulation mode of a washing machine according to the mineralogical composition of the original ore material and water proceeds. Quality control of enrichment, control water flow and pressure, particle size of plum, performance of a washing machine; Troubleshooting in her work. Participation in the current repair maintained equipment. Requirements for individual characteristics of the expert: physical strength and stamina, acute hearing and vision, speed and accuracy of sensorimotor reactions developed eye (linear, planar, volumetric), the ability to distribute and quickly switch attention, good visual memory, a tendency to work with technology.
1) Он учит (do) английский к завтрашнему уроку. He is doing his English homework for tomorrow's lesson 2) Полиция охотится (hunt) за этим грабителем со среды. Police has been hunting this robber since Wednesday 3) Я учился (go) в средней школе в Спрингфилде три года. I've been going to school in Springfield for three years 4) Я прочел этот очерк три раза, но так и не понимаю его. I've read this essay three times and still don't get it 5) Я бегаю (jog) в парке по утрам. I jog in the park in the mornings 6) Позвони мне перед выходом, и я встречу тебя. Call me before you leave and I'll meet you
And when you consider that the educational institutions that train such specialists, not so much, it is no exaggeration to say that graduates go-dressing "like hot cakes". Enrichment of minerals is sort of coal or ore in size, serves enrichment machines and equipment, auxiliary equipment, including automatic control means. Identify and address emerging hardware problems. The nature of work fortifier minerals: concentration of iron, manganese, chromium and other ores on washing machines with capacity up to 50 t / h.
Observation of the uniform loading and unloading the washing machine, the correct course of the washing process, working elevators, pumps, water distribution network, mechanisms to remove schepi and other foreign objects. Regulation mode of a washing machine according to the mineralogical composition of the original ore material and water proceeds. Quality control of enrichment, control water flow and pressure, particle size of plum, performance of a washing machine; Troubleshooting in her work. Participation in the current repair maintained equipment. Requirements for individual characteristics of the expert: physical strength and stamina, acute hearing and vision, speed and accuracy of sensorimotor reactions developed eye (linear, planar, volumetric), the ability to distribute and quickly switch attention, good visual memory, a tendency to work with technology.