Yesterday they were playing tennis when the rain started.
At midnight I was driving home.
I wasn’t drinking coffee when you called.
Was she cooking Christmas dinner at this time last year?
What were you doing at 8 p.m. last Wednesday?
My brother wasn’t washing her clothes last weekend.
What were you doing at 6 p.m. last Tuesday?
They were often being late because of their dog.
He was watching the film from 6 till 8 – Он смотрел фильм с 6 до 8.
Mary was dancing but when she saw me she stopped – Мария танцевала, но когда она увидела меня, она остановилась.
We were playing football while my mother was cooking lunch – Мы играли в футбол, пока мама готовила обед.
I was being followed by a stranger – Меня преследовал незнакомец.
They were standing right in front of me – Они стояли прямо передо мной.
I was waiting in the car while my boyfriend was buying the tickets – Я ждала в машине, пока мой парень покупал билеты.
The picnic was so much fun! The sun was shining, the kids were running around and the adults were playing volleyball – На пикнике было так весело! Светило солнце, вокруг бегали дети, а взрослые играли в волейбол.
They were always quarrelling – Они вечно ссорились.
Boris and Petr were playing cards and talking – Борис и Петр играли в карты и разговаривали.
When we arrived he was painting the walls – Когда мы приехали, он красил стены.
He was always boasting about his financial successes – Он вечно хвастался своими финансовыми успехами.
We were walking down the street and saw your van – Мы шли по улице и увидели твой фургон.