1. Once there lived a king. The king had a daughter. The daughter had a kitten. The king, the princess and the kitten lived in a very beautiful palace. The palace was on the Thames. 2. What a cold day! 3. What a wonderful weather! 4. What interesting books! 5. I have never seen such a beautiful girl. 6. The weather in the south of Russia is sunny and warm. 7. Could you pass me the salt, please? 8. I have never eaten such a tasty soup. 9. It's the most difficult text I have ever translated. 10. What an angry dog!
Yesterday to me the person who works in bank came.Lucie works in the company which makes chocolate.The police caught the person who hijacked my car.This book about the girl who ran away from the house.Alexander Bell is a scientist who invented phone.What happened to patterns which hung on a wall?The dictionary is a book in which it is possible to look at word meaning.It is possible that Earth is the single planet on which there is a life.You already found keys which lost last week?You already received back money which Mikhail borrowed at you last month?People with whom we got acquainted at a party, were very friendly.My colleagues with whom I work at one office, invited me in restaurant.It, perhaps, was the worst movie from all which I ever saw.This trip was the best that occurred in my life.I like people on whom it is possible to rely.
All the footballers are so wet. They have been playing in the rain since the match started.