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Nur-Sultan is a great city to visit!
1. There are many interesting places to see. Such as: Bayterek, the pyramid, Khan-Shatyr etc.
2. They are considered sight-seeings, and they are very peculiar.
3. And I think the most exciting place is Bayterek, because it is considered a symbol of the city.
4. It looks like a pole with a bird nest and an egg on top of it.
5. Those places are considered popular because they are quite beautiful.
6. I would like to visit Nur-Sultan, if I could.
Обычно задаётся как устная задача.
1) 11:10
2) 14:45
3) тут скорее всего было написано 16:35...it is thirty five past four. 16:35.
4) 12:00.
5) скорее всего было написано it is fifty five past two.: 14:55.Правильнее было бы сказать it is five to three. без пяти минут три.
to-это после 30 минут
past-это до 30 минут либо 30 минут.
это про минутную стрелку..
часы так и говорят : one o'clock.- час.
two o'clock.-два часа.
three o'clock.-три часа.
four o'oclock-4 часа.
five o'clock.-пять часов.
six o'clock -6часов.
seven o'clock-7часов.
eight o'clock.-8 часов.
nine o'clock -9часов.
ten o'clock-10 часов.
eleven o'clock.-11 часов.
twelve o'clock-12 часов..
pm - после полудня
am - до полудня.
I'm very keen on music.
I spend a lot of time on concerts.
I often go to concerts.
He stays at his aunt's.
He wants to learn about other countries.
I'm very fond of the open air.
We stopped at a campsite.
They prefer to be close to nature.
I'm going there by plane.