Baker Street — the brisk street in Merilebon's London region (northern part of Westminster) of two and a half kilometers. Is part of Highway A41. It is most known in connection with Arthur Conan Doyle's well-known character private detective Sherlock Holmes. According to a plan of the author, the great detective lived on Baker Street, in the house 221B which in reality doesn't exist. The street received the name in honor of builder William Baker who has laid it in the XVIII century. Originally there was a residence for the highest estate, however today on Baker Street generally settle down commercial and trade real estate. Post code — NW1/W1. The street stretches to the south from Ridzhents-park, in parallel Gloucester-pleys, crosses Merilebon Road, York Street, Portman Square and Uigmor Street. On crossing from Uigmor Street of Baker Street passes to Orchand Street which in turn comes to an end on crossing from Oxford Street. On the street the metro station of the same name settles down. Near station there is a lost and found office on transport. Baker Street station — the first station of the subway in the world. In 1990 on Baker Street Sherlock Holmes's museum opened, and as a result the hero of the novel had quite real house, at once round the corner — Madame Tussauds museum. Absolutely nearby there is a shop devoted to the Liverpool four of Beatles, and opposite to it — rock music shop. In 1835 on Baker Street the first constantly operating exposition of Wax museum of Madame Tussauds was open. In 1884 the museum moved, and now is round the corner, on Merilebon Road. In 1940 on Baker Street Management of special operations — the British prospecting and diversionary service working during World War II took place. From December 7, 1967 to July 30, 1968 to Baker Street address, 94 there was "Apple Boutique", one of the first enterprises of Beatles "Apple Corporation". Many years on Baker Street the head office of the Marx and Spencer company is no time largest in Great Britain to a network of retail trade (in 2004 the company transferred the base on Paddington Basin) settled down. In the 1960th on Baker Street there lived the well-known British singer Dasti Springfild. On September 11, 1971 in office "Lloyd bank" on Baker Street there was the well-known theft from depository cells. Total amount of the stolen made 3 million pounds (in the prices of 2008 — 32 million pounds)
The brightest sun, the clearest waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic ocean, the sparkling beaches and the very impressive history and culture make this corner extremely beautiful and attractive. Nowadays a lot of people from different parts of the world admire this country a lot, and I am not the exception. The name of this amazing place is Spain. They say, there is not only one Spain, there are “lots of Spains”, because every part of this country is different from another parts. They have a “dry Spain” (the north and the north-west parts of the country) and a “wet Spain” (the centre of Spain, the south and the south-east parts). Spain is the only place in the whole Europe where palm trees grow. There are hardly any cloudy or rainy days in this country. It’s the area of the eternal summer! It’s not surprising, that tourism in Spain is becoming more and more popular. Every year Spain is visited by 45-50millions of tourists. This number is much bigger than the population of Spain! What attracts people to Spain? Of course, the Mediterranean Sea, historical landmarks and the ancient cities, such as Andalusia, Seville, Madrid and Barcelona (which is one of the most beautiful cities and the biggest ports in the Mediterranean Sea). Spain is a paradise corner, that hasn’t been spoiled yet by lots of hotels and tourists. This country is famous for its magical olive trees. Spaniards produce and sell olive oil of the highest quality. Bull fights are the part of every Spaniard’s live. Every person in this fascinating country dreams about a job of a matador, but it’s a very hard work. To be a matador you have to be very tall and desperately courageous. Professional matadors exercise every day since their early childhood and study in a special school of matadors in Seville. People from different corners of the world come to see such a magnificent show, which coast any money and time. How I wish to look at it one day! Flamenco dances, which came from Arabic, are also the part of Spanish culture. Nobody knows how many years ago it happened, but these dances were immediately loved with all Spaniards hearts and became the national dances of Spain. To understand the beauty and passion of the national dance, you should definitely visit such a spectacular show. One more thing, which makes this country perfect for living, is their national beauty. Spaniards have dark hair, dark eyes, perfect figures and delicate features. Sometimes it’s enough to look at Enrique Iglesias and realize that Spain nation is the most beautiful nation in the world, except for Russian, of course! : ) They are not only beautiful, they are cheerful, friendly and extremely passionate as well. I think these qualities make them so attractive. They like carnivals, traditional music and dances, evening walks through the main streets of their cities and villages. They are proud of their football team, which became the best team in Europe due to Euro 2008. For me Spain is a country of my Dream, which allures me by its unopened secrets and passionate people. One day will have become the happiest person in the world, when I’ll visit the country of my Dream! : )
Согласование времен в английском языкеХарактерная особенность английского языка заключается в так называемом согласовании времён: время глагола придаточного предложения зависит от времени главного предложения.Правило согласования времён представляет особую трудность, когда сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в одной из форм времени.В этом случае в придаточных предложениях не могут употребляться формы настоящего и будущего времени глаголов, хотя речь идёт о действиях, которые совершаются в настоящем или будут совершаться в будущем.Если глагол в главном предложении стоит в одном из времен, то и глагол придаточного предложения должен стоять в одном из времен.В таких случаях правило согласования времен допускает три основных варианта:Если действие в придаточном предложении происходит одновременно с действием в главном предложении, то нужно использовать Past Simple или Past Continuous:They told us, “We are going to the library.” Они сказали нам : «Мы идем в библиотеку».
They told us they were going to the library. Они сказали нам, что идут в библиотеку.Если действие в придаточном предложении предшествует действию в главном предложении, то глагол в придаточном используется в Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous:We were told, “It was raining a lot.” Нам сказали: «Было много дождей».
We were told that it had been raining a lot. Нам сказали, что было много дождей.Если действие в придаточном предложении следует после действия в главном, то нужно использовать одно из времен Future-in the-Past:She said: “I will try to get the highest mark on the exam.” Она сказала: «Я постараюсь заработать на экзамене лучшую оценку».
She said she would try to get the highest mark on the exam. Она сказала, что постарается заработать на экзамене лучшую оценку.
It is most known in connection with Arthur Conan Doyle's well-known character private detective Sherlock Holmes. According to a plan of the author, the great detective lived on Baker Street, in the house 221B which in reality doesn't exist.
The street received the name in honor of builder William Baker who has laid it in the XVIII century. Originally there was a residence for the highest estate, however today on Baker Street generally settle down commercial and trade real estate. Post code — NW1/W1.
The street stretches to the south from Ridzhents-park, in parallel Gloucester-pleys, crosses Merilebon Road, York Street, Portman Square and Uigmor Street. On crossing from Uigmor Street of Baker Street passes to Orchand Street which in turn comes to an end on crossing from Oxford Street. On the street the metro station of the same name settles down. Near station there is a lost and found office on transport. Baker Street station — the first station of the subway in the world. In 1990 on Baker Street Sherlock Holmes's museum opened, and as a result the hero of the novel had quite real house, at once round the corner — Madame Tussauds museum. Absolutely nearby there is a shop devoted to the Liverpool four of Beatles, and opposite to it — rock music shop.
In 1835 on Baker Street the first constantly operating exposition of Wax museum of Madame Tussauds was open. In 1884 the museum moved, and now is round the corner, on Merilebon Road.
In 1940 on Baker Street Management of special operations — the British prospecting and diversionary service working during World War II took place.
From December 7, 1967 to July 30, 1968 to Baker Street address, 94 there was "Apple Boutique", one of the first enterprises of Beatles "Apple Corporation".
Many years on Baker Street the head office of the Marx and Spencer company is no time largest in Great Britain to a network of retail trade (in 2004 the company transferred the base on Paddington Basin) settled down.
In the 1960th on Baker Street there lived the well-known British singer Dasti Springfild.
On September 11, 1971 in office "Lloyd bank" on Baker Street there was the well-known theft from depository cells. Total amount of the stolen made 3 million pounds (in the prices of 2008 — 32 million pounds)