Моё любимое блюдо жареная картошка с грибами. Мне не нравится есть суп, я предпочитаю рис с овощами или картофельное пюре. Мне нравится съесть утром салат или бутерброд. Я люблю пробовать разные салаты. Моя мама любит готовить борщ и овощной суп, они стали моей любимой едой с тех пор. Мне нравится позавтракать омлетом или яичницей. Я предпочитаю есть жареную рыбу, чем котлеты или тефтели. Моё любимое блюдо – это пельмени со сметаной, я готовлю их довольно часто. Я люблю есть на завтрак фрукты, в них содержится много необходимых витаминов.
Many people ask me why I love reading books about Harry Potter and his friends. I also think about that. Maybe in this book the magic does not attract many readers, although it is very interesting. In my opinion the most important thing is friendship which has united Harry, Ron and Hermione. Other characters like Neville Longbottom and other guys are very interesting for me. Dumbledore reminds me Gandalf from “ The king of rings’’. Gandalf is smart and wise like Dumbledore. I like stick professor Snape but I don’t know why.After I read a “Harry Potter” I understood that real friend won’t betray you even if there is no chance to win. Ron and Hermione was afraid the Lord Voldemort but they did not give up and did everything to ensure their friend reached the goal. A scene where Ron led the chess game shocked me. If I were a girl , I would cry. Weasley risked his life. It was a moment when I thought that he died.