Перепишите текст, раскрыв скобки и поставив глагол в нужную форму. подчеркните образовавшуюся форму глагола. city utilities stormwater (to be) exactly what (to be) sounds like. when it (to rain), or when snow (to melt), water that (to be) not soaked into the ground (may) (to go) directly into a
storm drain and straight to a nearby river or creek. the stormwater system (to contain) sewer lines, ditches, open channels and drains. stormwater utility (to have) responsibility for operating, maintaining and improving an extensive system of open waterways and enclosed storm sewer lines. this
system (to exist) to collect the rainwater that (to run) off yards, roofs, streets and parking lots and (to carry) it away from neighborhoods to area rivers. without a stormwater collection system every rainstorm (can) (to turn) into a flood. the utility (must) (to ensure) that the city (to meet)
state and federal requirements for improving the quality of stormwater runoff. because most stormwater (to receive) no treatment before it (to go) into a stream, lake or river it (to be) important that we (to keep) as many pollutants as possible out of stormwater runoff. it (to be) important to our
environment that we all (to work) (to reduce) the amount of pollution (to carry) by stormwater. combined sewer overflow. some cities (to collect) both rainwater runoff and sanitary wastewater in the same set of sewer pipes. these (to be) called "combined sewers". sometimes when it (to rain),
combined sewers (not to have) enough capacity (to carry) all the rainwater and wastewater (not can) (to accept) all of the combined flow. in this situation, the combined wastewater (to overflow) from the collection system into the nearest body of water‚ for example rivers‚ (to create) a combined
sewer overflow.
Lomonosov was the founder of the first Russian university. Lomonosov died in 1765. But he is still known as the father of the Russian science, an outstanding poet, the founder of Russian literature.