Pushkin - one of the most famous russian poets.it is famous for its beautiful proistemi,each of his work carries a different favorite work - "captain's daughter".novel-a novel about love,about dedication,about destiny ,pain,betrayal.there are a lot of meanings,the basis of the work - historical events.the main characters - masha milovana and petr grinev.masha-nice girl,too late remains an orphan.peter green-the officer sent to omsk.he fell in love with her not saasu ,then,after passing ogromnoe number of ispytaniy.the work teaches a lot,but the biggest sense to me - from the fate not go away,no luck,no luck ,everything is predetermined.with each person we meet and for anything-be it a lesson or happiness of life.
)the computer games are played by children every day. - в компьютерные игры дети играют каждый день. 2) tasty dinner is cooked by my mother every sunday.- вкусный ужин готовится мамой каждое воскресенье. 3) the floor is washed in our flat on fridays.- пол в нашей квартире моется по пятницам. 4) nice snowmen are made by my little sister every winter. - красивые снеговики лепятся моей маленькой сестрой каждую зиму. 5) my room is cleaned by me on thursdays. - моя комната прибирается мною по четвергам.
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