The myth of Daedalus and Icarus is one of the most known and fascinating Greek Myths, as it consists of both historical and mythical details.
Icarus was the young son of Daedalus and Nafsicrate, one of King Minos’ servants. Daedalus was way too smart and inventive, thus, he started thinking how he and Icarus would escape the Labyrinth. Knowing that his architectural creation was too complicated, he figured out that they could not come out on foot. He also knew that the shores of Crete were perfectly guarded, thus, they would not be able to escape by sea either. The only way left was the air.
Daedalus managed to create gigantic wings, using branches of osier and connected them with wax. He taught Icarus how to fly, but told him to keep away from the sun because the heat would make the wax melt, destroying the wings.
Daedalus and Icarus managed to escape the Labyrinth and flew to the sky, free. The flight of Daedalus and Icarus was the first time that man managed to fight the laws of nature and beat gravity.
Although he was warned, Icarus was too young and too enthusiastic about flying. He got excited by the thrill of flying and carried away by the amazing feeling of freedom and started flying high to salute the sun, diving low to the sea, and then up high again.
His father Daedalus was trying in vain to make young Icarus to understand that his behavior was dangerous, and Icarus soon saw his wings melting.
Icarus fell into the sea and drowned. The Icarian Sea, where he fell, was named after him and there is also a nearby small island called Icaria.
First of all, the actors whose names are on everyone's lips-Ryan Gosling, Jim Carrey, Michael J. Fox, Pamela Anderson, Keanu Reeves, Leslie Nielsen. Singer Mylene Farmer was born near Montreal, and genius Director James Cameron in Ontario. Singer Shania is honored not only for her wonderful songs, but also for the record that has not yet been surpassed - one of her albums has been released in the amount of 40 million copies. Neil young is a popular canadian musician with a unique guitar playing technique. Wayne Gretzky is the most famous hockey players of the 20th century. He won the Stanley Cup four times. John Kenneth Galbraith, one of the most famous theoretical economists, is also a native of Canada.
2. His car is red. - Его машина красная
3. Dasha has planes - У Даши есть самолётики.
4. Are her planes nice? - Её самолётики красивые?