I have only been once to an art_ exhibition_ (1). In fact, the Tate in London was my _ introduction__ (2) to modern art, but although the gallery was quite interesting, I found the pictures difficult to understand. The _ paintings_ (3) in the exhibition were by famous _ artists_ (4) from all over the world. Our guide told us about each painting, and I listened carefully to her_ explanations__ (5). After she had given us a _description_ (6) of a painting by Picasso, I asked her what it all _meant_ (7). She said we should not look for meaning but for _pleasure_ (8), as the most important thing was to enjoy the shapes and coloures. _Personally_ (9), I found this advice a complete _revelation _ (10)
I don’t like eating soup, I prefer rice with vegetables or mushed potato. – Мне не нравится есть суп, я предпочитаю рис с овощами или картофельное пюре.
I like to eat a sandwich or a salad in the morning. – Мне нравится съесть утром салат или бутерброд.
I like to try different salads. – Я люблю пробовать разные салаты.
My mom likes to cook borsch and a vegetable soup, they became my favorite dishes since I was a child. – Моя мама любит готовить борщ и овощной суп, они стали моей любимой едой с тех пор, как я был ребёнком.
I like to eat an omelet or a fried egg for breakfast. – Мне нравится позавтракать омлетом или яичницей.
I prefer eating fried fish than cutlets or meatballs. – Я предпочитаю есть жареную рыбу, чем котлеты или тефтели.
My favorite dish is meat dumplings with sour cream, I cook them quite often. – Моё любимое блюдо – это пельмени со сметаной, я готовлю их довольно часто.
I like to eat some fruits in the morning, they have many necessary vitamins. – Я люблю есть на завтрак фрукты, в них содержится много необходимых витаминов.