1Women are good football players- I think that some girls can play footbakk well but only a few of them. But all the boys have ever played football . Most of them play it very well. Besides., there are a lot of football fans among men and a lot of women hate this game
2We play badminton with a ball.- It is possible to play it with a small plastic ball but usually we play it with shuttlecock- воланчик (?)
3 Sport fans come to the stadium to read books- I CAN*T agree with this statement. because nobody of sport fans reads books on the stadium/ All of them are very active during the game- they shout. sing songs. whistle and do everything to help their team to be the first!
4 Boys like to swim in a swimming pool.- I dissagree. Not only boys like to swim in a swimming pool- girls like to swim in a swimming pool too.
1. Math class is in Room 16.
2. My favourite day of the week is Saturday.
3. How old is Tom? - He's ten years old.
4. I'm twelve (years old). And how old are you?
5. His name is Sasha. He is in the fifth grade.
6. John and Bill are friends. They are newcomers in Grade 4A. (They have just arrived in Grade 4A.)
7. Is this a pencil? - No, it's a pen.
8. My favourite teacher is Anna Ivanovna. She teaches Russian.
9. What's his name? What grade is he in? How old is he?
10. What subjects does he study? What is his favourite subject? Who is his favourite teacher?
11. Where is the English class?
1. Який місяць довше: у березні або в квітні? 2. У Москві більше, ніж у Мінську? 3. , Який є найбільшим містом у світі? 4. , Який є найбільшим містом в Сполучених Штатах Америки? 5. Чорне Море глибше, ніж у Каспійському Морі? 6. Яке є найглибшим озером в Росії? 7. Коли дні стають довшими: взимку чи влітку? 8. Найдовший день у році? 9. Який найкоротший місяць у році? 10. Коли це було тепліше: в квітні або в Травні? 11. Коли він холодніше: в жовтні або в листопаді? 12. В якій країні більше: в Англії чи Сполучених Штатах Америки? 13. , Яка є найбільшою країною в світі? 14. Література цікавіше, ніж граматика? 15. Хімія складніше, ніж фізика? 16. , Який є найбільш складною темі? 17. Найбільш цікавою темою?
Вправа №2.
1. The Dnieper is long. The Volga is longer than the Dnieper. - Dnepr very long. Volga even further. 2. My room was not great. And his number is even less. - My room is neither larger nor smaller than his room. 3. This watch is neither better or worse than that. - Watch not better and not worse. 4.Snowdon is high. Ben Nevis is higher. - Snowdon above. And Ben-Nevis even higher. 5. Paul is neither older nor younger than his friends. - Paul older and younger than his friends. 6. It is warm today. It was warmer yesterday. - Today, heat, and yesterday warmer. 7. July is neither longer nor shorter than August.- July, not longer than August. 8. I shall be busy tomorrow. Today I am busier. - I'm busy today. But I won't be free tomorrow. 9. This street is neither wider nor narrower than that. - The street is not already, not broader than the other. 10. This story is interesting. That story is more interesting. - This story is interesting, but not interesting another.
Вибач, але я не змогла зробити 3 вправа. Ще раз вибач.