1 .I knew they were waiting for me at the metro station and I decided to hurry. Past Continuous показывается длительность действия - я знал, что они ждали меня
2 .I did not know that you had already wound up the clock. Past perfect показывается завершенность действия, действие произошло ранее чем другое - Я не знал, что ты уже завел часы...
3.I was afraid that the little girl would not to be able to unlock the front door and went upstair to help her .future in the past, Past simple - первое будущее время в второе обычное дейсвтие в
4. He says that he knew the laws of the country. Past Simple - обычное действие в
5.Sarie understood why Lanny had not come the previous evening. Past Perfect - действие произошло раньше.
6. She asked me whether I remembered the legend about a faithful lion. Past Simple - обычное действие в
7.He understood that the soldiers would arrest him. Future in the past - будущее в он понял, что его арестуют...
8. He could not understand why people didn't want to take water from that well.Past Simple - обычное действие в
I want to visit my grandparents on weekend or holidays.
It was difficult enough to learn to play the guitar.
The novel is worth reading.
It’s too difficult to work in such hot weather.
I would like him to stop smoking!
I’d like to make him work better.
We don’t want them to disturb us.
How do you prefer traveling by train or plane?
I can play the guitar.
I can’t imagine her getting married to Harry.
He promised me to come the other day.
Let’s stop to eat at this restaurant.
My parents let me stay at Molly’s house last weekend.
She looks forward to meeting them.
Do you fancy eating out?
Mary suggested ordering pizza.
I don’t mind having a bite.
I don’t mind opening the window, it’s so stuffy.
We couldn’t help laughing at Robin Williams’s acting.
I recommend you (to) try this sort of coffee.
4.She would not have gone to the park if it had been very cold. - Она бы не пошла в парк, если бы было холодно.
5.If we went to the wood we should pick a lot of berries there. - Если бы мы пошли в лес, мы бы собрали много ягод.
8.What places of interest would you visit if you went to London? - Какие достопримечательности Вы бы посетили, если бы поехали в Лондон?
9.Where would you have gone if you had longer vacation? - Куда бы Вы поехали, если бы имели длинный отпуск?
10.What would you have bought if you had gone to a grocery store? - Что бы Вы купили, если бы зашли в бакалейный магазин?