5 Complete the text with affirmative and negative forms of can, could and will be able to. Boy in a bubble When Rob Thompson was born, he had a defective immune system, so his body couldn't fight against diseases. He [is able to] only survive inside a sterile plastic bubble or room. He [can] play outside with friends, But thanks to a new treatment, Rob [can] now do most of the things that he wants to do, although he [could] live without special drugs. In the future, scientists [are able to] help other people like Rob with gene therapy. They [will able to] improve the treatment for this illness and maybe even find a cure one day.
1 He can't imagine him a designer.
2 We don't want her to open the window .
3 She doesn't mind smoking would like him.
4 My dad stopped smoking.
5 The story is worth starting with some bread.
6 Would you like prefer to go out tonight.
7 It's too difficult to walk in such hot water.
8 They promised me to come the other day.
9 To eat the food that had been kept too long in summer.
10 Avoid eating the food had been kept too long in summer.
И если тебе не сложно отметь этот ответ как самый лучший
тебе не сложно а мне приятно
В этой пословице говорится о том,что человек должен не только развлекаться играть и веселиться,а еще и трудиться другим,и любить окружающих и близких.
2.in this proverb says that a person of any age can find yourself an interesting passion
В этой пословице говорится, что человек любого возраста может найти себе интересное увлечение.