1. New Year’s Day is a holiday celebrated all over the world on January 1st, the first day of the New Year.
2. Many people celebrate New Year’s Day in the company of their family members and friends.
3. It is one of the oldest holidays celebrated in the world.
4. In Russia and other former Soviet republics this holiday is celebrated with feasts, champagne, traditional food and wishes.
5. We decorate New Year Fir Trees and have New Year parties.
6. Our Grandfather Frost wears a long blue or red fur coat, a matching hat and felt knee boots (валенки — valenki) and carries gifts in a large sack on his back.
7. Grandfather Frost is helped by his "granddaughter", Snegurochka (the Snow Maiden).
8. Our people believe that the way we spend New Year’s Eve is the same way we’ll spend the rest of the year.
9. When the clock starts striking midnight, people toast with champagne and make wishes.
10. Our Grandfather Frost brings gifts on New Year’s Eve instead of Christmas Eve.
2)Lucy exclaimed there was Tom there.
3)she sighed and said it was lovely, and then asked who that was.
4)he asked Gretta to say something, then he said he had got to know if she was all right
5) Conder offered both of them to come with him and have a drink at the Fitzroy.
1)she told Dickl she was so glad he had come
2)Arthur asked Sylviane to forgive him.
3)Kay Rimmer said it was lovely there and wondered how many books he had.
4.she asked him how he could be cruel like that
5)Maggie asked Tom to forgive her or her heart would break