1. Great Britain doesn’t consist of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Which countries does Great Britain consist?
Does Great Britain consist of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland?
2. They don’t like to compromise
Why do they not like to compromise?
Do they like to compromise?
3. Their traditions aren’t more colorful and exciting
Whose are traditions colorful and exciting?
Are their traditions more colorful and exciting?
4. The Welsh don’t wear proudly their national dress on holidays
When do The Welsh wear proudly their national dress?
Do The Welsh wear proudly their national dress on holidays?
5. But these statements can’t be universal
Why do these statements can’t be universal?
Do these statements can be universal?
Equatorial climatic zone.
This type of climate is characterized by the dominance of equatorial air masses throughout the year.
Tropical climate zone. This type of climate forms two tropical climatic zones (in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres) over the following territories.
The continental climate zone: a high pressure region dominates over a large territory, so there is very little rainfall (from 100-250 mm). The continental tropical climate is very hot in summer (+ 35-40 ° C). In winter, the temperature is much lower (+ 10-15 ° C).
The tropical oceanic climate is similar to the equatorial, but differs from it by less cloudiness and steady winds. Summer over the oceans is not so hot (+ 20-27 ° С), and winter is cool (+ 10-15 ° С). Precipitation falls mainly in the summer.
Subequatorial climate. In summer, equatorial air masses dominate in this zone, and tropical in winter.
Subtropical climate. Here, in summer, tropical air masses dominate, and in winter, air masses of temperate latitudes invade here, bearing precipitation. Such circulation of air masses determines the following weather in these areas: hot, dry summers (from +30 to + 50 ° С) and relatively cold winters with precipitation; no stable snow cover is formed. The annual rainfall is about 500 mm.