dear (имя) ,
how are you? i'm ok, but i miss you.
i want to invite you to visit my city –(город). i want you to come during the winter holidays so that we can spend a lot of time together.
it would also me amazing to visit some colorful restaurants and museums of my city. we will walk in parks and enjoying the fantastic landscapes.
i think this trip will be cool.we’ll be together all the time and have fun.
i will be very happy if you agree to come. i am looking forward to your early reply.
(имя) .
in the fable "crow and the fox" crimea ridicules and condemns such a human vice as flattery, hypocrisy. a person can respond, but always is insincere, pretended to be, like this fox. the fable is very easy to read, interesting in plot, similar to a scene in a theater. the fox received cheese, and responded to her flattery.
в басне "ворона и лисица" крылов высмеивает и осуждает такой человеческий порок как лесть, лицемерие. на сладкие добрые слова человек может откликнуться, но ведь лесть всегда неискренна, притворна как у этой лисицы. басня легко читается, интересна по сюжету, похожа на сценку в театре. лисица получила сыр, а ворона наказана за то, что откликнулась на её лесть.
2) Can, can, may
Не уверена