Mary is going to surf the Internet next time.
Are they going to play badminton next time?
He is going to play an instrument.
I am going to play snooker next time.
Is he going to listen to music next time?
No, he isn't going to listen to music next time.
Are you going to play golf next time?
Is Kevin going to play an instrument?
Is Kate going to play an instrument next year?
No, she isn't going to play an instrument next year.
Are you going to visit an art gallery next week?
No, we aren't going to visit an art gallery next week.
I am going to play volleyball in the evening.
Henry’s shopping list
carrot (морковь), onion (лук), cabbage (капуста), avocado (авокадо), cucumbers (огурцы), tomatoes (помидоры), rice (рис), buckwheat (греча), eggs (яйца), chicken fillet (филе курицы), apples (яблоки), bananas (бананы), nuts (орехи), water (вода), olive oil (оливковое масло).
Ben’s shopping list
crisps (чипсы), cooked salads (приготовленные салаты), frozen nuggets (замороженные наггетсы), frozen french fries (замороженная картошка фри), frozen pizza (замороженная пицца), cans of coke (жестянки колы), tins of peas - консервы (горох), biscuits (печенье), sweets (сладости), McDonald's food (еда из Мака), cereals (хлопья), milk (молоко), sausages (сосиски), ham (ветчина), cheese (сыр).
Генри любит здоровую (полезную) еду.
Бен обожает вредную еду.
2.yes, it is
3 yes, she does, they don't
5 yes, I have