The Pig and the Pencil
Pig was looking at A on the ground. Turtle came by. “What did you find, Pig?” she said. “What is that thing on the ground?” “Don’t you know?” said Pig. “I’ll show you what it is!” Pig put the pencil on his hat. “Oh, now I see!” said Turtle. “It looks B on your hat. You are so smart, Pig.” “I know, I know,” said Pig. Frog came by just then. “Oh, Frog! Look what Pig put on his hat,” said Turtle. “I see,” said Frog. “That C your hat look good, Pig. What a smart thing to do!” “Being smart is what I do best,” D Pig. “Now I’ll show you something more!” Pig put the pencil on his nose. “What a good place for it!” said Frog. “I think that’s the best place,” said Turtle. “You are E smart, Pig.”
A 1) anything 2) something 3) nothing 4) anywhere
B 1) better 2) worse 3) best 4) good
C 1) making 2) maked 3) makes 4) make
D 1) said 2) asked 3) answered 4) talked
E 1) such 2) such a 3) so a 4) so
Вот перевод: Меня зовут Света. Я из России - это огромная страна. Я живу в замечательном городе Рязани. Мне очень нравится. Есть много интересных мест. Рязань чистый и красивый город. В Рязани есть такие достопримечательности, как: памятники, церкви, соборы, колокольни, монастыри и часовни. Есть музеи, гостиницы, парки. Рязань очень интересный город. И я горжусь своим городом.