Выбрать любые две фотографии,свое с родственникам и описать кто на фото, какая погода/время года, что люди делают, как одеты, какие чувства испытывают.
Nowadays, many people forget that such courtesy,especially the youth of today.I remember my grandmother who was very religious and polite.When I was (-) as a teenager I always stay (s) at my grandma's.So you come to her,and she gives you something good,yummy feed.Remember how I always asked (but) when we sat over a Cup of hot tea in the winter,when the window was raging snowstorm,sit and talk heart to heart with his grandmother.And we talked about it: -You remember your young years...-he started the conversation the old lady.-at that time it was not so as now...and the other village people and others.In our times the youth has always been polite. -Grandma!What is "politeness"? -Well,-she sighed,-Politeness is a human characteristic which characterizes the personality good manners, good deeds and education.Under the politeness is usually described as the ability to communicate respectfully with people, a willingness to find a compromise and listen to opposing points of view.So that was my wonderful day at my grandmother's.
1)The children were dancing around a beautiful fir tree the whole evening yesterday. Were the children dancing around a beautiful fir tree the whole evening yesterday? The children weren't dancing around a beautiful fir tree the whole evening yesterday. 2)I was playing tennis at the school sports ground from 6 till 8 o'clock yesterday. Was I playing tennis at the school sports ground from 6 till 8 o'clock yesterday? I wasn't playing tennis at the school sports ground from 6 till 8 o'clock yesterday. 3)Harry was vacuuming the sofa when mother came home.
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