My favourite season is summer. In summer pupils have the longest holidays at this time of the year. I always plan a lot of wonderfui things during holidays. In summer it is warm and i have a lot of free time in the fresh air.
Usually i spend summer with my grand parents, but in this summer everything was another.
In June my perents and i went to the mountains. We had happy time there.Then i went to the differnt parks with my friend.
In the evenings i read books watched TV or just played computer games.
I think that my summer holidays were wonderful.
Мое любимое время года это лето. Летом у учеников самые длинные каникулы в году. Я всегда планирую много интересных вещей на каникулы. Летом на улице тепло и у меня есть много времени на свежем воздухе.
Обычно я провожу свои летние каникулы у своей бабушки и дедушки , но этим летом все было по другому.
В июне родители и я поехали в горы. Мы хорошо провели там время. Также я ходил(а) в разные парки со своим другом.
По вечерам я читал(а) книги, смотрел(а) телевизор или просто играл(а) в компьютерные игры.
Думаю что мою лето замечательно.
There are various natural disasters in the world and tsunami is one of them. Some people call it a tidal wave or a seismic sea wave. The main reason of tsunami is a submarine earthquake, when there is an underwater landslide. However, the volcanic eruptions can also cause it. Some countries and regions are especially prone to this disaster, for example, China, Japan, Chile, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Philippines. The biggest tsunami in the history took place in 1958 at Alaskan Lituya Bay. The force of wave then reached 1720 feet above sea level. Normally, ocean tsunamis reach heights of over 100 feet. Even the mildest walls of water can cause widespread destruction
Это вежливая, но достаточно неформальная " мне с проектом ")