- Roma, hello! Do not recognize me?
- Nick ... Nick, friend! I'm so glad to see you!
- I, too! How many we have not seen you? Year?
- No, a year has not passed yet! I remember exactly, in the winter I met you once on the street! How are you, Kolya, doing?
- Yes, I train everything, I jump with the pole as before. By region recently ranked fourth.
- Wow!
- What are you, I'm so upset. After all, the "bronze" could take, but once was wrong. Enough with this sport! How do you live?
- And I still quietly learn. I speak English, as the film says. What is the name of this film? ... “Hipsters!” I still cannot get out of the Internet now.
- By the way, summer is coming soon! Throw you your Internet! Are you going to your favorite camp this year?
- How did you guess? Food, exactly. In the second and fourth shifts. And you?
“I don’t know yet, but my father promised me a ticket.” Now I will ask that our shifts coincide. Do you know your future squad?
- Fourth like.
- Here and there I will try to get! Eh, Romka, we will be together again to play volleyball on the beach!
- And scare and smear girls at night, remember?
- And then! Of course I remember! Well, friend, now it's up to you. You call as you decide on the ticket. My number has not lost yet?
- No, I saved it. Be sure to call
- Roma, hello! Do not recognize me?
- Nick ... Nick, friend! I'm so glad to see you!
- I, too! How many we have not seen you? Year?
- No, a year has not passed yet! I remember exactly, in the winter I met you once on the street! How are you, Kolya, doing?
- Yes, I train everything, I jump with the pole as before. By region recently ranked fourth.
- Wow!
- What are you, I'm so upset. After all, the "bronze" could take, but once was wrong. Enough with this sport! How do you live?
- And I still quietly learn. I speak English, as the film says. What is the name of this film? ... “Hipsters!” I still cannot get out of the Internet now.
- By the way, summer is coming soon! Throw you your Internet! Are you going to your favorite camp this year?
- How did you guess? Food, exactly. In the second and fourth shifts. And you?
“I don’t know yet, but my father promised me a ticket.” Now I will ask that our shifts coincide. Do you know your future squad?
- Fourth like.
- Here and there I will try to get! Eh, Romka, we will be together again to play volleyball on the beach!
- And scare and smear girls at night, remember?
- And then! Of course I remember! Well, friend, now it's up to you. You call as you decide on the ticket. My number has not lost yet?
- No, I saved it. Be sure to call
Мою маму зовут Инна Васильевна. Ей 39 лет, и она работает медсестрой в нашей больнице. Моя мама очень красивая и добрая.
Моего отца зовут Иван Петрович. Ему 42 года, и он работает водителем в той же больнице. Мой отец очень сильный и строгий. Он любит играть в шахматы и мы часто играем с ним в шахматы по вечерам. Наша бабушка не живет вместе с нами, но она живет не далеко от нашего дома, поэтому я часто прихожу к ней по воскресеньям. Я была у нее ночью, и она была рада меня видеть. Мы поужинали, потом я читала мою любимую книгу о животных, и я легла спать около 12 часов.
Мы дружная семья, и мы стараемся ладить друг с другом, мы обсуждаем наши проблемы и стараемся решить их вместе.