Голубцы (the Second dishes) Components: the Beef or veal 100г, cabbage белокочанная 150 г, an onions napiform 20 г, oil creamy 10г, rice 20г, sauce swept away 50г, an egg of 1/2 pieces, a solution salt 5 г, greens of a parsley 5 of the Instruction: With кочана белокочанной cabbage to cut off some whole leaves, to put them for 8-10 minutes in the added some salt boiled water, then to take out, cool and cut off утолщенные stalks. On each leaf of cabbage to put a mincemeat and to turn in the form of short колбасок. Prepared голубцы to fry on a frying pan with oil, to lay in a saucepan, to fill in with the swept away sauce and to extinguish in жарочном to a case approximately 30 minutes. Preparation of forcemeat. The crude meat twice passed through a meat grinder to fry on a frying pan with oil. Then to add the table spoon of water, milk or a broth, the spoon of boiled rice, a crude egg, finely рубленный the onions boiled with oil, a pinch of the cut greens of a parsley, a solution salt also all well to mix. It is possible to prepare for forcemeat and from boiled meat.
Early in this country, there were tens of thousands tigers. At night people were afraid to move away from the lights far away, so as not to become a tasty morsel for the tiger. Is the fault of the person that a greater number of tigers turned into cannibals. Often the bullet did not immediately kill the animal, but only wounded him. Wounded and weakened beast could hunt only on the weak prey. The man himself was the prey.Раньше в этой стране насчитывалось десятки тысяч тигров. В ночное время люди боялись отходить от огней далеко, чтоб не стать лакомым кусочком для тигра. Есть вина человека в том, что большее количество тигров превратилось в людоедов. Часто пуля сразу не убивала зверя, а только ранила его. Израненный и ослабленный зверь мог охотиться только на слабую добычу. Человек сам оказался этой добычей.ПЕРЕВОД АНГЛИСКИЙ ЯЗЫК
1)I'm not against communication, but if you want you can ignore me. 2)I often ignore. 3)If I still do not answer, I went for coffee or ate, or I write manga, in general, busy 4) ln skype, I'm only sitting with people I know very well. 5) If you deleted me from your friends - tell me about it, do not do it for no reason! 6. Do not insult me, I will be sad .. 7. Do not take my photos without demand, if necessary - ask. (Because they are usually processed by me). 8) Do not ask too many questions. (It irritates me) 9) Apply to me for "you", I'm only 15! 10. Do not beg for "+ rep", I write as I please. 11. Call me to play! : D 12. You can safely turn to me for help, I do not bite ^^ 13. Do not spam, and do not throw suspicious links, I know all kinds of fraud.
If you do not follow these rules, then ... nothing will happen) 0) (But this is not exact) ((Exactly))
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