1. There isn't ... sense in what you suggest. B. much 2. Can you explain why you ... this mistake again? D. have made 3. The forecast promises such ... good weather, but I don't believe it. C. — 4. She thinks he's ... man in the world. D. the smartest 5. Nobody knows when it last... in Sri-Lanka. B. snowed 6. Give him a good mark to ... his self-respect. A. raise 7. You must have as ... sugar as possible. It's bad for you. C. little 8. Would you like ... sweet? B. another 9. Where's ... bag? It's gone. D. the 10. She ... in the sun too long and got burnt. B. has been lying 11.Look at ... ear-rings! Do you like them? D. the 12. Who can tell me where ... ? B. my key is 13. There is no place like ... . C. home 14. The information is top secret, so naturally, everybody is interested in ... . C. it 15. Save your money but don't put ... in the bank. B. it 16. One boy hit another ... a ball. A. with 17. Everyone has to answer for his actions, ... ? D. doesn't he 18. They looked ... each other in surprise. D. at 19. I cannot excuse you, unless you ... me what the problem is. D. tell 20. You just ... what you have done! B. look
2. Make up all possible types of questions on the given sentence: a) general, b) alternative, c) disjunctive, d) special questions and e) question to the subject. Louisa has got a very interesting job. a) Has Louisa got a very interesting job? b) Has Louisa got a very interesting job or hobby? c) Louisa has got a very interesting job,hasn't she? d) What kind of job has Louisa got? e) Who has got a very interesting job?
1. She likes to drink cocoa, or hot chocolate in the morning.
2. We had a tasty salad for supper today.
3. They ordered some pizza at the cafe.
4. She tried to eat more fruit and vegetables every day.
5. For dessert, they had a delicious ice-cream with fruit.
6. We like to drink tea with meat pie or apple pie.
7. They say the Englishmen like fish and chips for supper.
8. For breakfast, I always eat a sandwich with some cheese.
9. He doesn't like milk and honey.
10. I love to eat cupcakes with milk.