1 covered, covered
2are built, build
3are used, use
4draws,are drawn
5are made, make
довольна1. Due to the heavy rain the concert was called off.
Из-за сильного дождя концерт был отменен.
2. The tsunami in Indonesia called for immediate action.
Цунами в Индонезии потребовало немедленных действий.
3. The meeting was called off but we still don’t know why.
Встреча была отменена, но мы до сих пор не знаем, почему.
4. Call in sometime and we’ll watch the new DVD together.
Загляни ко мне как-нибудь, и мы вместе посмотрим новый DVD.
5. A nurse often calls on my granny because she is not well.
Медсестра часто посещает мою бабушку, потому что ей нездоровится.
6. They are going to set out early in the morning.
Они собираются отправиться в путь рано утром.
7. Summer has started to set in already, so we can go swimming.
Лето уже наступило, можно купаться.
8. Perhaps you should set aside some money in case you want to buy a house or a car.
Возможно, тебе стоит отложить немного денег на случай, если ты захочешь купить дом или машину.
9. The opening of the new sport center has been set back a few weeks.
Открытие нового спорткомплекса отложено на несколько недель.
10. What time will we have to set off for the airport tomorrow?
Во сколько мы должны завтра отправиться в аэропорт?
1. Many centuries ago our planet was covered with thick forests. Men tied together the tops of several trees and covered them with hides of animals or with leaves or grass,
2. The first houses in different countries of the world were built of wood. Greek builders built their houses with slanting roofs.
3. Prestressed concrete is used widely in building modern structures. Nowadays builders use industrial methods of construction.
4. The architect draws a separate plan for each individual floor. Plans for building a house is drawn by an architect.
5. Columns are made of metal or reinforced concrete. They make the carrying elements of the framework from metal-reinforced concrete.