Maya is a Mesoamerican civilization known for its writing, art, architecture, mathematical and astronomical systems. The beginning of its formation is attributed to the pre-classical era (2000 BC - 250 AD), most of the Mayan cities reached their peak in the classical period (250-900 AD). By the time the conquistadors arrived, it was in deep decline. The Mayans built stone cities, many of which were abandoned long before the arrival of Europeans, others were inhabited after. The Mayan calendar was also used by other peoples of Central America. The hieroglyphic writing system was used, partially deciphered. Numerous inscriptions on the monuments have been preserved. They created an effective farming system, had deep knowledge in the field of astronomy. The descendants of the ancient Maya are not only the modern Maya peoples who preserved the language of their ancestors, but also part of the Hispanic population of the southern states of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras. Some Mayan cities are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List: Palenque, Chichen Itza, Uxmal in Mexico, Tikal and Quirigua in Guatemala, Copan in Honduras, Hoya de Seren in El Salvador.
The cultural history of this people is usually divided into three periods:
The first period (from antiquity to 317) is the time of the emergence of city-states, primitive slash farming, the manufacture of cotton fabrics, etc.
The second period (317-987) - the ancient kingdom, or the classical period - the time of the growth of cities (Palenque, Chichen Itza, Tulum) and at the same time the mysterious exodus of the population from them at the beginning of the 10th century.
The third period (987 - XVI century) - the new kingdom, or the post-classical period - the time of the arrival of the European conquistadors, the adoption of new laws, styles in life and art, the mixing of cultures, fratricidal wars, etc.
(1)Какая была твоя любимая игрушка, когда ты была ребенком?
When I was a child, my favourite toy was teddy bear. ( когда я была ребенком моей любимой игрушкой был плюшевый медведь)
(2)Какими игрушками дети играли в 18 веке?
In the 18th century children played with handmade toys. (В 18 веке дети играли с самодельными игрушками)
(3)Что ты знаешь о Уолте Диснее?
I know about Walt Disney that he set up his own company (Я знаю о Уолте Диснее что он основал свою компанию)
(4)Ты любишь смотреть мультики?
Yes, I like to watch cartoons. (Да, я люблю смотреть мультики)
(5)Кто твой любимый герой в мультфильмах?
My favourite cartoon's character is Barby (мой любимый герой мультфильмов Барби)