1."William Shakespeare" William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright during Elizabethan times (the time of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I). He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, a town in the centre of England. He is the greatest writer in the English language.Shakespeare wrote thirty-six plays, all of which are still studied, performed and even made into films all over the world! Shakespeare also wrote many love sonnets.Shakespeare wrote three kinds of plays: comedies (A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Much Ado About Nothing), tragedies (Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello) and histories (Henry V). Common themes in his comedies were mix-ups, mistaking one person for another or women who disguise themselves as men – although the actors were all men anyway! In The Merchant of Venice, a well-known comedy, a moneylender asks for a pound of flesh from a merchant who can’t pay him back some money! Life was hard during Elizabethan times and Shakespeare’s tragedies reflect this, such as Hamlet which is very bloody and is about revenge, deception and fate.Most of Shakespeare’s plays were performed at the Globe Theatre in London, which could hold about 3,000 people. Elizabethans of all social classes enjoyed going to the Globe, even though it was noisy and smelly and the common people had to watch the play standing up in front of the stage. As there was no roof, people got very wet when it rained! There was hardly any scenery, but there were fantastic costumes and even special effects such as fireworks, —– and actors’ ‘flying’. The original theatre burnt down in 1613, but a modern replica opened in 1997.
I am fourteen years old and I am studying in the seventh form. I go to a school that is not far from my house. It is not very big but light and clean. There are three floors and there are many well-equipped classrooms on each floor. There are a cloakroom, a gym and a canteen on the ground floor. There is a big sports ground in front of my school.
All the classrooms are comfortable and quite spacious. You can see portraits of famous people, pictures and maps on the walls. There are about twenty desks in every classroom. Besides, there is a teacher's table standing near the window and a blackboard hanging on the wall. There are computers and some other up-to-date equipment in some classrooms. However, there are no bookcases, but the school has a large library where we can find any book we need.
There are twenty-five students in my class. We go to school six days a week. Lessons start at 8:30, but the timetable is not always fixed, it can be changed from time to time. We usually have five or six lessons a day and a big break for lunch between the second and the third ones. Each lesson lasts forty-five minutes. At 2 p.m., the lessons are over and we go home.
At school, we learn Algebra, Geometry, Russian, Literature, English, History, Geography, Biology, Information Technology. Besides, we have lessons in Art, Handicraft, Music, and Physical Education. We usually have a lot of homework and it takes me several hours to do it. My favourite subject in Algebra. I like to do sums and the teacher says I am good at it. I find this interesting and not boring, unlike some others.
There are many good traditions in our school. My favourites are the Day of Knowledge and the Last Bell Holiday. On these days we usually have parties where we exchange our impressions of the last summer holiday and make plans for the future.
I like school because I have a lot of friends here. Besides, I am fond of some out-of-class activities – I attend drama circle and go in for dancing.
Мне четырнадцать лет, и я учусь в седьмом классе. Я хожу в школу, которая находится недалеко от моего дома. Она не очень большая, но светлая и чистая. В школе три этажа, и на каждом этаже есть много хорошо оборудованных классных комнат. На первом этаже находятся гардеробная, тренажерный зал и столовая. Перед моей школой есть большая спортивная площадка.
Все классные комнаты удобны и довольно просторны. На стенах можно увидеть портреты известных людей, картины и карты. В каждом классе около двадцати парт. Кроме того, возле окна стоит учительский стол и на стене висит доска. В некоторых классах есть компьютеры и другое современное оборудование. Однако книжных шкафов нет, но в школе есть большая библиотека, где мы можем найти любую нужную нам книгу.
В моем классе двадцать пять учеников. Мы ходим в школу шесть дней в неделю. Уроки начинаются в 8:30, но расписание не всегда фиксированное, оно может время от времени меняться. У нас обычно пять или шесть уроков в день и большой перерыв на обед между вторым и третьим уроком. Каждый урок длится сорок пять минут. В 2 часа дня уроки заканчиваются, и мы идем домой.
В школе мы изучаем алгебру, геометрию, русский язык, литературу, английский язык, историю, географию, биологию, информационные технологии. Кроме того, у нас есть уроки по искусству, ремеслу, музыке и физическому воспитанию. У нас обычно много домашней работы, и у меня на нее уходит несколько часов. Мой любимый предмет алгебра. Мне нравится решать примеры, и учитель говорит, что у меня это хорошо получается. Я нахожу это интересным и нескучным, в отличие от некоторых других.
В нашей школе много хороших традиций. Моими любимыми являются День знаний и Последний звонок. В эти дни у нас обычно устраиваются вечеринки, на которых мы обмениваемся впечатлениями о летних каникулах и строим планы на будущее.
Мне нравится школа, потому что у меня здесь много друзей. Кроме того, мне нравятся некоторые внеклассные занятия - я посещаю театральный кружок и занимаюсь танцами.