My name is Dino. I am a young dinosaur. I live in the forest near a big mountain. I am big and strong and all the animals are afraid of me. I am afraid of nobody. Only people make me nervous. Sometimes they try to attack me. Once I saw a man behind a tree. He had a big stick in his hands with a stone at the top. He was trying to hide himself but I noticed him. He was thin and looked hungry. I think he was hunting and wanted to wound or to kill me and to have a nice meal. But I was no fool. So I decided to be the first to attack. I started to growl to frighten him. He started to run. His legs were short and weak and he was running not so fast. So he didn't run away far. Soon I caught the hunter and tore him to pieces. I chose the most fleshy pieces and ate them. I can't say I enjoyed my meal much. I mostly did it all for fun.
3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в настоящем простом или в настоящем длительном. 1) поезд на Манчестер ... (уйти) в 5 часов. 2) йогурт ... (запах) ужасно! Мы должны выбросить его. 3) Как часто ... (Вы/см) своим друзьям? 4) солнце ... (подъем) на востоке. 5) где ... (вашего отца/работы)? 6) ... (Бенсоны/муха) в Ямайку на следующей неделе? 7) она ... (не пойти) в воскресенье вечером. 8) бабушка ... (пребывания) с нами в течение нескольких недель. 9) суп ... (вкус) очень хорош. 10) я ... (нужно) кусок бумаги, чтобы написать на.
Can you see a blue tulip?