1. Who are those people? Do you know them?
Кто эти люди? Ты знаешь их?
2. You can help Tom and Tom can help you. So you and Tom can help each other.
Ты можешь Тому, и Том может тебе. Так что вы с Томом можете друг другу.
3. We didn’t go to Ann’s party. She didn’t invite us.
Мы не пошли на вечеринку к Энн. Она не пригласила нас.
4. Mary and Jane were at school together but they never see each other now.
Мэри и Джейн вместе учились в школе, но теперь они не видятся.
5. Diana and I are good friends. We’ve known each other for a long time.
Мы с Дианой хорошие друзья. Мы давно знаем друг друга.
1. The film is called Titanic.
2. The main roles are played by Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio, they play a couple in love.
3 The film was directed by James Cameron.
4. In my opinion, this film is not like the others
5. Main characters Jack and Rose
6. Takes place on the British steamship Titanic
7. I think that the film is about the very history of this ship and how two people can meet and fall in love without expecting it.
8. My opinion is that the actors played as well as ever, they made it possible to feel and experience with them everything that happened there.
9. I recommend this movie
10. 4 stars even 5
1. be – was/were
2. have – had
3. Become – became
4. Build – built
5. Cost – cost
6. Drive – drove
7. Eat – ate
8. Feel – felt
9. Get – got
10. Go –went
11. Hit – hit
12. Know – knew
13. Live – lived
14. Make – made
15. Meet – met
16. Take – took
17. See – saw
18. Speak – spoke
19. Teach – taught
20. Write - wrote