I often go to school library. Once I took magazine "Young naturalist". In it I have read one interesting article about parrots. They were pleasant to me very much, their country of dwelling than they eat in the nature, coloring, their singing.
And here for New year parents have presented to me a parrot. I didn`t know as behind it to look after. In the evening I have called the schoolmate, at it two years already there lives a parrot by name of Zhorka. A lot of new about care of a parrot to me has told the school librarian. The feathery girl-friend I named Liza. Every morning it awakes me with the sonorous singing. I like to observe of it: as it chirrs,washes, cleans plumelets, runs on a pole, looks in a pocket mirror. It very curiously considers that occurs round it. Once a day I change a forage and water.
It is pleasant to me cares of this beautiful and cheerful birdie!
Я часто хожу в школьную библиотеку. Однажды я взяла журнал "Юный натуралист". В нём я прочитала одну интересную статью о попугаях. Мне они очень понравились, их страна обитания, то чем они питаются в природе, окраска, их пение.
И вот на Новый год родители подарили мне попугайчика. Я не знала как за ним ухаживать. Вечером я позвонила своей однокласснице, у неё два года уже живет попугай по имени Жорка. Много нового об уходе за попугаем мне рассказала школьный библиотекарь. Свою пернатую подружку я назвала Лиза. Каждое утро она будит меня своим звонким пением. Я люблю за ней наблюдать: как она стрекочет, умывается, чистит пёрышки, бегает по жердочке, смотрится в зеркальце. Она очень любопытно рассматривает, что происходит вокруг неё. Один раз в день я меняю корм и воду.
Мне нравится заботится об этой красивой и весёлой птичке!
1)When I was on the Black Sea last summer I swam in the sea everyday.When we came to the beach our friends were already swimming in the sea.
2) Yesterday when I was listening to the radio my brother phoned me. Yesterday I listened to the 10 o'clok news on the radio and went to bed.
3) I was going to the office yesterday morning when I met Mr.S. Yesterday I came to the office at a quarter to 9. The secretary brought me the mail and I went through it.
4) At a quarter to 9 yesterday my son was having breakfast.
2. We always speak English at English lessons
3. I usually do my homework in the evening
4. How much time do you spend on the way home?
I usually spend 30 minutes
5. He visits us in summer rarely
6. You go to the cinema often
7. She is never late. She always comes in time
8. Do you hear anything? No, I don't hear anything
9. His mother is a teacher. She teaches English at school
10. I don't study French at school
11. Now we meet him rarely.
12. Her friend studies English every morning