выполнить задания к тексту Stanley Kubrick (1928 – 1999)
1. Stanley Kubrick is often described as a perfectionist genius. He is admired as one of cinema’s greatest talents. As a director he made only thirteen feature films in a career of over forty years, but many of them are regarded as masterpieces, and he earned nine Oscars. Stanley Kubrick once said that a film was more like music than fiction, although all his films were adapted from novels.
He directed the Hollywood epic Spartacus in 1960, the most expensive film of its day, and the only all-Hollywood movie he ever made. Soon after finishing this film, unhappy with the pressure of Hollywood, he moved from America to Britain.
3. Stanley Kubrick spent five years developing his film 2001: A Space Odyssey (1969). This is probably his most famous and influential film. It was a science fiction blockbuster which was popular with both the critics and the public. Often described as a masterpiece, its special effects won an Academy award and were a big influence on George Lucas when he came to make the Star Wars films. Hid final film was Eyes Wide Shut (1999), starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.
4. The film A Clockwork Orange (1971) was removed from cinemas in the UK after Stanley Kubrick felt it had been misinterpreted, and it was only shown again after his death.
5. He valued his privacy and worried about security. He certainly disliked travel after he moved to England, and he also had a well-known fear of flying. He once told a friend that travelled to London four or five times per year, only for appointments with his dentist.
6. Stanley Kubrick was frequently unwilling to discuss personal matters publicly, and this gave rise to his reputation as an eccentric, reclusive genius. This image of him was denied his family after his death. It was often reported that Stanley Kubrick was rude and unfriendly to the people he worked with. For example, he had a good friendship with the actor Malcolm McDowell during the making of A Clockwork Orange, but after the filming ended Stanley Kubrick never contacted him again.
7. Stanley Kubrick had little contact with the media, so few people knew what he looked like. Kubrick once told a reporter who came to his door that Stanley Kubrick wasn’t at home.
Задания по тексту:
1. Краткий пересказ прочитанного (6-8 предложений на английском языке, используя содержание текста).
2. Задания по грамматике:
- из первого абзаца текста выписать предложения в пассивной форме, подчеркнуть глаголы, указать время и перевести предложения).
- из второго абзаца выписать предложение с прилагательным в превосходной степени; предложение перевести.
-из третьей части текста выписать предложение с относительным местоимением и перевести его.
- из четвертой части текста выписать 2 глаголов во времени Past Simple Passive.
- из пятой части текста выписать правильные глаголы во времени Past Simple.
- из шестой части текста выписать однокоренные слова к следующим:
- friend –
- film –
- will –
- из седьмой части текста выписать 5 неправильных глаголов во времени Рast Simple и указать три формы этих глаголов.
1) Adam will drink apple juice tomorrow afternoon.
Will Adam drink apple juice tomorrow afternoon?
Adam will not drink apple juice tomorrow afternoon.
2) My brother will go to the theatre tomorrow.
Will my brother go to the theatre tomorrow?
My brother will not go to the theatre tomorrow.
3) After 3 years I will speak English well.
Will I speak English well after 3 years?
After 3 years I will not speak English well.
4) My friends will watch cartoons the day before.
Will my friends watch cartoons the day before?
My friends will not watch cartoons the day before.
5) I will be happy tomorrow.
Will I be happy tomorrow?
I will not be happy tomorrow.