1. Robert Falcon Scott. An English polar explorer, a naval officer who, together with his escort, reached the South Pole on 01/17/1912, about a month after rival Amundsen. Robert's first expedition, during which he explored Victoria Land and the Ross Ice Shelf, took place in 1901-1904.
2. James Cook. The famous British navigator and discoverer, who first mapped Newfoundland and became the first European to discover the east coast of Australia and Hawaii. In three trips, James explored the Pacific Ocean from the Atlantic coast to the Bering Strait.
3. Leif Ericsson. Scandinavian navigator who reached the North American continent 5 centuries before Columbus. In the XI century, he sailed to him on his ship and became the first European to set foot on this land. Leif christened the found territory Vinland. The Scandinavian established trade relations between Greenland, Norway and Scotland.