Отмечаю неправильные:
2. Every day, often, always
3. Do, does
4. Goes
6. b. Действие, которое происходит на данный момент
7. am, is, are
8. Gerund
11. Has got
12. Have got
13. My parents have got a big house in the country-side
14. Неверно, только 2 формы: have got и has got
15. Неверно, глагол HAS GOT сочетается с местоимениями 3 лица (he, she, it)
16. Условное придаточное
19. While, when
20. Wherever, where
21. Employer - работодатель
Employ - нанять
Employment - трудоустройство
Employee - сотрудник
22. Bill, paycheck
23. To set up a business
26. Sink - раковина
Armchair - кресло
Curtains- занавески
27. Bathroom - ванная
Bedroom - спальня
Living-room - гостиная
28. Apartment - American English
Flat - British English
29. A sink, a stove, a fridge
30. A bed, a carpet, a wardrobe
Надеюсь все понятно.
1. Sue said : " I am going to go to London".
2. Mark asked :" Have you been to Australia, David?"
3. Lucy said : " I am angry."
4. His friend asked him :" Do you like having your meals alone?"
5. Sarah told him : " Take care of your health"
6. His brother says : "I was in Italy three months ago".
7. Katherine asked her daughter : " Will you get up early today?"
8. My relatives answered : " We have to | must go to your birthday. "
9. The daughter asked :" Help me with the homework,mum"
10. The pediatrician said : " The patient should not stay alone because he is ill. "
11. His aunt and uncle asked him : "How do you get to the park?"
12. John told them: "I have a daughter, my daughter is five. "
13. Kate asked :" Are you ready to run?"
14. He explained :" It will take me eleven minutes to go there. "
15. Robert asked his friends " Don't run so fast!"
1. What is Andri
b. He is all
2. Which of following statement is true according to the text.
b. He is a clever student