Mother Nature can act rather scary sometimes. Almost every day TV channels, radio and newspapers report on natural disasters striking different parts of the world. Scientists say that earthquakes, tornados, floods, droughts, tsunamis, landslides and hurricanes are happening more frequently nowadays. Global warming, pollution and growing industrialization lead to imbalance in our echo-system.
A natural disaster can be defined as an uncontrollable extreme disruption which causes ecological and financial damage and victims of vulnerable population. Sometimes the events can be predicted by special meteorological warning systems and they often happen in the same geographical area because they are related to climate and physical characteristics of the region. For example, Florida is constantly suffering from tornadoes and hurricanes, and Japan – from earthquakes.
An earthquake happens when tectonic plates of the earth move and they make the area shake violently. According to the Richter scale the magnitude of earthquakes is measured from 1 to 10 points. The most powerful earthquake was recorded in 1960 in Chile, its magnitude was 9.5.
Volcanic eruptions occur when hot red magma erupts from the earth’s crust and flows from the top of the volcano. It also throws volcano ashes into the air which are harmful to inhale for human beings and animals.
A tsunami is a series of dangerous huge ocean waves, usually caused by underwater earthquakes. This natural disaster attacks the shore all of a sudden and often results in thousands of deaths. The height of the waves can reach 30 metres.
Flooding is another natural disaster. Floods happen when the water level in rivers and seas becomes too high. Sometimes flash floods can even wash away whole villages.
London [lʌndən] is the capital of the United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland.Its population is over 8 million people (2015). London is the largest city in Western Europe and the world's largest financial center. London forms The greater London agglomeration in the larger Metropolitan area with a population of more than 12 million. It is located in the South-East of great Britain, on the banks of the Thames, about 80 km from the North sea.It is a river and sea port. London has six airports and the oldest metro in the world. It houses more than 40 universities, the British Museum, and one of the world's largest libraries, the British Library.
London was created from two ancient cities - the city of London and Westminster, both cities forming Greater London. The tower of London is adjacent to the city of London. In a fire in 1666, the city was severely destroyed.
The first major settlement was founded by the Romans after their invasion of Britain in 43 ad. First they built a bridge over the river Thames. Later, they decided that this would be a great place to build a port. The waters were deep enough for ocean-going vessels to pass through, and remote enough for protection from German invaders. In 50 ad, Roman merchants built a city near the bridge called Londinium. So London was born.
For a long time, London remained a small city. All its inhabitants lived within the walls built by the Romans. This area is called the city of London. There were many villages around the city. Gradually, more and more people moved there. So, step by step, the villages merged into one big city.
Another famous part of Greater London is Westminster, which was established as a state residence in the XI century. Westminster Abbey (the Cathedral), the Palace of Westminster (the British Parliament with Big Ben) and 10 Downing street (where the Prime Minister lives) are located here.
In the XI-XII centuries, London became the capital of England. At the beginning of the XVIII century, it became the capital of great Britain and the largest city in Europe. From 1825 to 1925, it was the largest city in the world. From the 16th to the 20th century, it was the capital of the British Empire.
1) Milton's
2) studied
3) fourth
4) found
5) had to
6) had
7) grew
8) famously
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