На цьому уроці особлива увага приділяється перекладу пасивних конструкцій.
2. Мені часто допомагає молодший брат.
3. На лист відповість одразу.
4. Якщо я не помиляюся, до цієї книги часто посилаються.
5. Секретаря послали за.
6. Студентам покажуть новий фільм про розвиток автомобільної промисловості в нашій країні. 7. Доводилося чекати ректора.
8. Учора у нього було багато роботи.
9. Не можна переходити вулицю на червоне світло.
10. Нові слова слід повторювати якомога частіше.
11. Мені доведеться розповісти йому все.
12. Він повинен прийти о 5-й.
13. Ви можете відкрити вікно, тут спекотно.
14. Вони мали зустрітися на вокзалі.
15. Експеримент повинен бути завершений сьогодні.
16. Дітям до 16 років заборонено дивитися цей фільм.
17. Чи можете ви сказати мені, де вона живе? 18. Він не міг показати мені шлях до найближчої станції метро.
I have a lot of hobbies like playing computer games, listening music, having fun with my friends and family. I love watching tv and drawing. My friends often parties with me, we play computer games and watch tv together sometimes they tell me their ides about drawing I also love drawing cartoon characters from tv. Sometimes I also do sports, like running around my house and playing soccer, me, my friends and my family loves soccer too we play together sometimes. I also love english It's my favorite language and subject. My hobby is also playing card games like: Fool,Blackjack and Poker. I don't really like blackjack and poker but Fool is much better even though I play it rarely. I play mobile games with my friends and having fun with all of them everyday!
Вроде достаточно
1. Adel didn't need to study the multiplication tables in the seventh grade. She
has learned them.
2. I enjoyed visiting Adel's class. It was an arithmetic class. The
students were doing their multiplication tables.
3. While I was walking up the
mountains, I got tired. But I didn't stop until I reached the top.
4. I was very tired when I got to the top of the mountain. I have walked a long distance.
5. I knocked. No one answered. I turned the handle and pulled sharply the door, but it didn't open.
Someone has locked it.
6. "Where were you when the earthquake occurred?". "In my office. I was talking to my assistant. We were working on the report".
7. Roy's house was destroyed in the earthquake". "I know! It's lucky that he and his family has left for his parents' home before the earthquake struck" .
8. We drove three hundred miles to see the circus in Atlanta. When we got there, we couldn't find the circus. It had left the city. We have driven all the way to Atlanta for nothing.