1.1-the strongest
1.2-the best
2.1 braver
Он храбрее чем его брат
2.2 kind
Моя младшая сестра такая же смешная как мой отец
2.3 warmest
Весна-не самое теплое время года
2.4 long
Некоторые змеи не такие длинные как крокодилы
2.5 shier
Он более застенчив чем его друг
3.1.-the wickest
3.2-as clever as
4.1 stronger-the strongest
4.2more difficult-the most difficult
4.3-better-the best
4.4 braver-the bravest
5.1-the biggest
5.2-the smallest
5.3-the most active
5.4-as big as big as
but it is bigger than
1.Cross the odd one out.(Зачеркни лишнее слово)
turn left – turn right – JUMP
cross the road – SIT DOWN – go along the road
2.Choose the right answer to the question.(Выбери правильный
вариант ответа)
Is there a railway station near here?
Go to the Zoo.
I don’t go to the railway station.
3. Choose the right word.(Выбери правильное слово)
She watched TV last evening.
We didn’t take any books from the library yesterday.
I travelled a lot last year.
She enjoyed the film she watched two days ago.
Where were your keys?
i) who is healthier?
k) the longest way
1) Mrs Rogers is as nice as her husband
m)the biggest hamburgers
n) more successful
o) faster