Дорогой друг, хочу рассказать тебе о месте в котором бы мне хотелось побывать. Я бы хотел побывать в городе Париже. Париж- это яркое небо. Так говорят некоторые люди из Парижа. И я тоже так считаю. Эта Эйфелива башня..Эти чудесные реки. Эта атмосфера добра...
Переведу выше написанное ^ хотя нет, сама напишу, но о том же Париже.
Dear friend,
I want to tell you about a place I want to visit someday. This place has a name - Paris! Have you ever been there? Have you ever walked down those streets covered in shades from trees that grow by their side? Well, same here actually. I've never been to Paris and it's the dream city of my life. I think you've heard about the famous tower eifel. I mean, who wouldn't know it? I really want to climb it right to the top and see the clear blue sky from it's highest point! I really want to see this truly amazing city from the bird's view. Wouldn't it be fantastic!
One day in summer my parents and I were driving back home from our dacha.
We had a great time at the weekend: I was sunbathing and swimming in the swimming pool, Mum enjoyed gardening, Dad was reparing the roof.
Suddenly our car stopped because of the traffic jam ahead of us. We could see angly drivers in all the cars - everybody was in a hurry.
"How long shall we have to wait?"- Mum asked. She looked worried. Dad said that he had no idea of how long we would have to wait. "I guess there is a car crash somewhere ahead of us,"- he replied.
After 30 minutes of waiting we stated to drive slowly. Then suddenly we saw two cars. One car was broken and we could see an angry man shouting at the woman. The woman was crying "What is the board, where is the cord?". She seemed to be absolutly ignorant in anything related to cars and looked fluffy.
The man relized that it was useless to shout at her and he had to repair the woman's car himself!