1 Complete the free-time activities with the verbs play, go, have and meet. Check the meaning of all the activities. Free-time activities 1 football / tennis / computer games / cards 2. bowling/ice skating / dancing/ rollerblading / swimming 3 to the cinema / to the beach 4 for a walk 5 lunch / dinner in a café 6 friends
1)people travel to see other countries and continents,modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. 2)Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. 3)City-dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and lie in the sun. 4)Holiday-makers take a camera with them to take pictures of everything that interests them. 5)People choose means of traveling according to their plans and destinations.
1) They are translating a new text. Они переводят новый текст. Are they translating a new text? (общий вопрос) Are they translating a new text or a new article? (альтернативный вопрос) What are they translating? (специальный вопрос) They are translating a new text, aren`t they? (разделительный вопрос) Who is translating a new text? (вопрос с вопросительным словом who)
2) He cleaned the flat yesterday. Вчера он убрался в своей квартире. Did he clean the flat yesterday? (общий вопрос) Did he clean the flat or the room yesterday? (альтернативный вопрос) What did he clean yesterday? (специальный вопрос) He cleaned the flat yesterday, didn`t he? (разделительный вопрос) Who cleaned the flat yesterday? (вопрос с вопросительным словом who)
В первом ряду везде Play, во втором, третьем и четвёртом go, в пятом have, и в шестом meet