a littlenot manyhas beenII.
How long have you been living here? - We have been livng here for ten years.It’s raining now. In fact, it has been raining all day. It started raining at 9 a.m. in the morning.I waited for you since 4 p.m. I’m glad you have come at last.The girls have been dancing since the afternoon and they are very tired nowThey have been traveling for a month already. Can you say please when they will come back homeIII.
Я ждал тебя с самого утра! Я так устал.Объединённые Арабские Эмираты - один из самых больших финансовых центров в нашем мире. Каждая страна хочет иметь такую богатую экономику и сильное политическое и экономическое влияние на весь мир.Некоторые плохо развитые страны могут выживать только с их собственных природных ресурсов.Мы должны (обязаны) улучшать наше отношение к окружающей среде и защищать ее, потому что ее благополучие зависит от нас, а наше - от нее... вот так парадокс!Извините, я хотел рассказать немного важной информации о загрязнении, исходящем из наших заводов. Это не займет слишком много вашего времени.1 - b, 2 - c, 3 - b, 4 - b, 5 - b, 6 - c, 7 - a, 8 - c, 9 - a, 10 - b
1.Mary many friends, but now she has lots of them.
a. used to have
b. didn’t use to have
c. not used to have
2. I couldn’t sleep last night at all because I my new bed.
a. not used to
b. wasn’t used to
c. didn’t get use to
3. When Adam got a job, he getting up early very quickly.
a. used to
b. got used to
c. get used to
4. When I moved to Norway, it was hard for me to cold summer. But now I’m OK with it.
a. am used to
b. get used to
c. be used to
5. I know this company, but I work there.
a. used to
b. didn’t use to
c. didn’t used to
6. This computer is very easy to use. You in a day, I’m sure.
a. got used to
b. will be get used to
c. will get used to
7. At first Michael didn’t like his new boss, but finally he her.
a. got used to
b. is used to
c. get used to
8. Our new colleague is very lazy and I don’t think he working hard in our company.
a. is used to
b. used to
c. will get used to
9. Dan married, but now he is single again.
a. used to be
b. got used to be
c. did used to be
10. When I was a child, I play computer games a lot.
a. used to
b. was used to
c. got used to
В объяснении
2. Are
3. Is / was ( хз, тут недостаточно информации )
4. Are , was
5. Is
6. Is
2. Informations- information
3. an- some
4. These- those
5. A- some
6. Furnitures- furniture
7. A- пропуск
8. A- пропуск