13. What is primary school age characterized by?
A) self-assertion, collective behavior, some aggression, creative activity
B) self-assertion, collective behavior, some aggression, laziness
C) collective behavior, some aggression, laziness
D) collective behavior, some aggression, creative activity
E) no correct answer
1. He bought some new shoes last month -A
2. Where did she get a job? -D
3. Max didn't go out yesterday afternoon; he stayed at home -A
4. A: Did you see Jane last month? -B
B: No, I didn't
5. Geoffrey didn't study French before, but he studies it at university now. -C
6. - B
7. I was paying for my things when I heard someone call my name -D
8. While we were having a drink, a waiter dropped a pile of plates -D
9. While the waiter was picking up the broken plates, he cut his finger -B
10. While I was shopping this morning, I lost my money. I don't know how -B
11 -B
12 -C
13 - C
14 - A
15 - D
16 - B
17 - A
18 - D
19 - B
20 - A