МОЖЕТ БЫТЬ ТАКОЙ ОТВЕТ ПОДОЙДЕТ??? Yes I know the history of the eccentric confectioner Mr Wonka as he announces that he wants to hold a lottery for the five Golden tickets that allow five children to visit his factory. After the tour, each of them will receive a lifetime supply of chocolate, and one will be awarded some special prize. Charlie, who gets the main prize — he became the assistant and successor of Mr. Willy Wonka. The other children will receive the promised lifetime supply of chocolate. ЭТО ПЕРЕВОД! Да я знаю историю эксцентричного кондитера мистера Вонки, как он объявляет, что хочет устроить розыгрыш пяти золотых билетов, которые позволят пяти детям побывать на его фабрике. После экскурсии каждый из них получит пожизненное обеспечение шоколадом, а один — будет награждён неким особенным призом. Чарли, которому и достаётся главный приз — он становится и наследником мистера Вилли Вонки. Остальные дети получают обещанное пожизненное обеспечение шоколадом.
1 The doctor asked Ann what troubled her.
2 Emily told Mike that she had been down with the flu the previous month.
3 Meggy asked the doctor if she should take any medicine.
4 The nurse told Helen there was a prescription for her.
5 The doctor asked Jeff why he hadn't come to the clinic the day before.
6 The doctor asked Mark to strip to his waist.
7 Doris was told to take a tablespoon of that three times a day.
1 Fanny was asked to show her tongue.
2 Jim asked his friend what his temperature was.
3 The doctor asked Betty where it hurt her.
4 Janet said to her teacher she had a sore throat and a bad cough.
5 Ed told us Dave felt giddy and feverish.
6 The teacher asked me what the matter was with me.
7 Frank was asked how he had felt the day before.