ответ:English is a very popular language in the business world.
This is language of many famous writers, like Jack London and Dan Brown.
In our time English is the most common language during trips to other countries.
English has rules, which are very different from Russian, so it will be very useful to know something new.
If you travel in some beautiful places, like Cyprus, Jamaica, speak English, and everybody will understand you there.
This is a very useful to learn different languages, but start from English.
English was created from French and German long time ago.
A lot of musical bands and popular singers from many counties sing in English.
Learning of foreign languages helps to develope our brain and different skills.
The most of interesting scientific information you could find in Internet in English.
По каким предложениям можно рассказать о водах суши и их особенностях? Запишите номера предложений в порядке возрастания.
2. Одним из важных источников водоснабжения являются подземные воды. Причём с этой целью используются не грунтовые воды, расположенные ближе к поверхности, а межпластовые, потому что они чище, их уровень меньше подвержен сезонным колебаниям. Объясните, почему из-за близости к поверхности грунтовые воды менее чистые и почему их уровень более подвержен сезонным колебаниям.
Unfortunately, we didn’t travel last summer
Unfortunately, we didn’t order sandwiches for breakfast
Unfortunately, we can’t afford to build a new country house
Unfortunately, we didn’t enjoy this game
Unfortunately, nobody cheered us up before the game
It won't do if we travel without you
It won't do if you only order fish for lunch
It won't do if they say that they won't be able to afford a big party
It won't do if they don't enjoy the poetry
It won't do if no one cheers this poet up
On the contrary I'm ready to travel with you
On the contrary we are going to order meat for lunch
On the contrary they could always afford whatever they wanted
On the contrary they got great fun with this poetry
On the contrary everyone cheered poet before he starts read his poems