Hey, guys, now I am going to have a talk about different countries. And will run a quiz about it.
The first country is a big country. On it's flag you can see red leaf. It is located on the mainland of the North America. What country is it? ( Canada(Канада))
The second country is very warm, people like playing football and it is located on the mainland of South America? What country is it? What capital of country is it? ( Бразилия, Рио-де-Жанейро)
The third country is cold, bears run on the streets and maybe we can leave in it? What is it?? ( Россия
The family is a small homeland , where there is respect and harmony.
It is true that love for the motherland begins with the family, as they say" the motherland begins with the family"!
After all, the family is the first collective for raising children.The formation of a person's personality begins with the family.His masculinity, the first signs of humanity in him are formed in the family, so the warmth of his native home is stored in his chest for many years and will always be remembered.
Объяснение:В следующий раз в переводчик зайди
1. Lulu used to bake cakes.
2. used to make
3. used to
4. used to fly his kite
5. used to go
6. used to ride
7. used to have
8. used to shovel
9. used to fish
10. used to go
11. used to climb
12. used to go
13. used to look
14. used to eat
1. No, he didn't
2. No, she didn't
3. Yes, they did
4. No, he didn't
5. No, they didn't
6. Yes, they did
7. Yes, he did
8. No, she didn't
9. Yes, they did
10. No, they didn't