1 She said to me that I was very bad tempered.
2 My mother said that she didn't want to speak to me.
3 Sam told her that she didn't have to be his friend any more.
4 He asked me if I meant that.
5 Ann said to me that she wouldn't bother me in the future.
6 They told us that they had never fought like that before.
7 They told us that they had had a fight like that the previous month
8 My mother asked my brother why he was behaving like a four-year old.
9 I answered him that he had started it(that).
10 I wished Lucy to grow up!
1) Paul is a singer in a band.
How long has he been singing?How many records has he recorded?2) Your friend Alan is learning to drive. What do you ask him?
How long have you been learning to drive?Have you bought a car yet?3) Jenny is a teacher.
How long have you taught?How many schools have you worked in?4) You meet your friend Sally outside the cinema. You ask her.
How long have you been waiting?5) Joey is getting married to Andrew next September. What do you ask
How many guests have you invited?Have long have you known Andrew?6) You meet an old friend you haven't seen for ten years.
What have you been doing all this time?Where have you been?7) You know that Peter has been to the States several times.
How many times have you been to the States?