ответ:In our city, they like pasta with meatballs,they are very often prepared in restaurants,I also like them,but most of all I like pizza. My mother makes a very delicious soup every day, and I like it too.
Объяснение:В нашем городе любят макароны с фрикадельками,их очень часто готовят в ресторанах,они мне тоже нравятся,но больше всего мне нравится пицца. Мама каждый день готовит очень вкусный суп,и мне он тоже нравится.
время Past Simple:
1) He went to the store yesterday. (Он ходил в магазин вчера.)
2) Emmy bought a delicious cake an hour ago. (Эмми купила вкусный торт час назад.)
3) Kate drew her friend last Sunday. (Катя рисовала свою подругу в воскресенье.)
Present Simple. (Настоящее время)
1) Richard doesn't often do his homework. (Ричард не часто делает свою домашнюю работу.)
2) She goes to school every day. (Она ходит в школу каждый день.)
3) Sometimes Charlie plays the guitar on Sundays. (Иногда Чарли играет на гитаре по выходным.)
Future Simple (Будущее время)
1) I will go abroad in a week. (Я поеду за границу через неделю.)
2) I think, Alexander will miss you. (Я думаю, что Александр будет по тебе скучать.)
3) I will speak to him soon. (Я скоро поговорю с ним.)
Настоящее: I’m buying a lot of gifts for my friend’s birthday now. (Present Continiues)
I don’t buy a lot of gifts for any
celebrations usually. (Present
I love it when my friends bring me a lot of gifts on my birthday.
She was so kind to people who needed it, she was bringing a lot of gifts to orphanages.
Будущее: She will be happy when she sees a lot of gifts under the Christmas tree.
There will be lots of people buying a lot of gifts on holidays.
This shop will be selling a lot of gifts soon.
My favourite food is is sandwiches. They consist of two slices of wheat bread with butter, and you can put some slices of cheese or sausages between them. Sometimes I add some vegetables. This may be a cucumber or lettuce. My sister also likes sandwiches, but she doesn’t like butter, so she makes her sandwiches without butter.
I also like sandwiches with cutlets instead of sausages. It may be chicken or turkey cutlets — it doesn’t matter, it’s very tasty anyway.
The sandwiches are absolutely delicious because you can feel the bread, vegetables and meat at the same time.
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