1) BEING (Be) free and alon is a ggod thing if you are tired of big cities. 2) (Find) FINDING you here was quite a surprise. 3) If this is what you intend to ask me?stop WASTING your time. 4) They kept on (talk) TALKING though the band began (play). 5) Everyone enjoyed (swim) SWIMMING in the river. 6) Mу watch needs (repair).REPAIRING 7) He never mentioned (live) LIVING in Prague. 8) He does not seem to mind (air)AIRING the room. 9) Just imagine (go) GOING there together. 10) Dont put off (do) DOING it now. If you postpone (receive) RECEIVING a visa again, you will miss an excellent opportunity of (go) GOING there.
1. The telephone went on ringing.2. Will you please stop reading?3. Would you mind (repeating ?4. Your idea is worth considering .5. Excuse my interrupting you.6. He dislikes dealing with them.7. He gives up learning French.8. He does not feel like going into politics.9. She couldn’t help agreeing with them.10. I don’t mind your opening the window 1. Телефон продолжал звонить.2. Ты можешь прекратить читать?3. Не могли бы вы повторить?4. Ваша идея заслуживает внимания .5. Извините, я вас перебью.6. Он не любит общаться с ними.7. Он отказывается от изучения французского языка.8. Он не хочет заниматься политикой.9. Она не могла не согласиться с ними.10. Я не против того, чтобы вы открыли окно.
Si tené s las anterioes actividaes , me las podes pasar por favor ?
Quiero saber como son , y después fijarme y ayudarte :)