Kak ya provela letniye kanikuly» Eto leto ya provela ochen' interesno. V iyune khodila v shkol'nyy lager'. Tam my igrali v raznyye igry, khodili v biblioteku, uchastvovali v razlichnykh konkursakh. A v iyule ya poyekhala v lager' "Molodaya Gvardiya". Zdes' ya podruzhilas' so mnogimi devochkami. Utrom my begali, delali zaryadku. V lagere byli razlichnyye meropriyatiya. My igrali v sportivnyye igry. YA nauchilas' igrat' v voleybol i shakhmaty. Ryadom bylo ozero. Tam my kupalis' i uchilis' plavat'. Okolo ozera rosla zemlyanika. My yeyo sobirali i yeli. Priroda v tekh mestakh ochen' krasivaya.
How I spent my summer vacation " I spent this summer very interesting. I went to school camp in June. There we played different games, went to the library, participated in various competitions. And in July I went to the Young Guard camp. Here I made friends with many girls. In the morning we ran and did exercises. There were various activities in the camp. We played sports games. I learned to play volleyball and chess. There was a lake nearby. There we swam and learned to swim. Strawberries grew near the lake. We collected and ate it. The nature in those places is very beautiful.
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