это тебе месть адвлдчДьфрашвщя
I like my friends and walk with them, some times when we walk we eat ice cream, i don't like ice cream, so I didn't eated. The last time we walked we see a cat, i like cats and i always want to pet them, they're so cute and soft, like a cloud or fluf. Sometimes i love to eat snacks when we watch films with my lovely family and i love my family. Everyone loves their parents . I go to school and like to talk with my classmates, they're my friends too, we often talk about online games, i love play online games, it's satisfying.
106 слов
Hey! I'm Bill Phelps and I'm 13 years old. I am from Sydney, Australia. Here is a photo of my family and our relatives. My parents' names are Sue and Sam.
My father is short with dark hair. My mom is tall with short blonde hair. I don't have a brother but I have two sisters.They are twins, their names are Kim and Kate, and they are 8 years old. Mike is my father's brother. He's a doctor and he's married to Janet.They have two children, Joni and Jill. Tom and Beth are my grandparents. They are almost 70 years old