3 Read the article again and match the headings (1-6) with the paragraphs (A-F). 1 Different themes D 2 An alternative approach 3 A growing trend 4 The choice is yours 5 Acting like celebrities 6 Complex preparations
1. He said that we had to go to school to class 2. He said that he couldn't paint picture 3. He said that he would see his mother soon 4. He said that he would drink milk the next day 5. He said that he had seen Mr. Freeman that day 6. He said that he didn't like this lesson 7. He said that he had met Andy about two weeks previously 8. He said that they had visited their grandparents the previous Monday 9. Ann asked me how I got to home that day 10. She asked if we lived in this town 11. The teacher ordered the student not to sleep here 12. The trainer told the boxer to break
Однажды Винни-Пух встал рано утром и пошел на прогулку в лес. Там он увидел своего друга ийора, в осле. ИА выглядела очень печально. “Почему ты такая грустная?” - спросил Пух. “Сегодня мой день рождения, но я не получил никаких подарков”, - сказал Ушастик. “О! Много счастливых дней рождения, ИА!” “И много счастья тебе, Пух”. “Но это не мой день рождения, ИА.” “Нет, это мой день рождения.” “Но ты сказал, 'С Днем рождения' для меня.” “Я? Ой, я хотел сказать " ", Пух-Медведь”. Винни побежал домой, чтобы сделать Ушастик подарок. Возле дома он увидел Хрюня. “Вы знаете, сегодня-День рождения ИА? Бедный осел, он так грустно”. - Почему? - спросил Пятачок. “Сегодня его день рождения, но он не получил никакого подарка. Что может мы даем его в подарок, Пятачок?” “У меня нет идеи, Пух...” “О, Хрюня, у меня есть идея. Я дам ему аджа р меда”. “И я дам ему красную воздушный шар”. “Вы очень добры, Пятачок!” “Вы так добры, Пух!” Вечером счастливые друзья ходили на день рождения к ИА-ИА.
2. He said that he couldn't paint picture
3. He said that he would see his mother soon
4. He said that he would drink milk the next day
5. He said that he had seen Mr. Freeman that day
6. He said that he didn't like this lesson
7. He said that he had met Andy about two weeks previously
8. He said that they had visited their grandparents the previous Monday
9. Ann asked me how I got to home that day
10. She asked if we lived in this town
11. The teacher ordered the student not to sleep here
12. The trainer told the boxer to break