If you're the youngest, you like being the centre of attention, and you get a lot of it from your parents, perhaps too much. The greatest thing about having older siblings is that they tell you the important things they have learnt. You're much more competitive than your brothers and sisters, and you always want to show them that you are as good as them. You always think your friends have better ideas than you. Why not tell your friends what you're thinking and surprise them?
2. I'd like to ask you a few questions.
3. There isn't much furniture in the flat.
4. Will you give them another magazine to look throught?
В третьем можно и "little", и "much" применить, только в первом случае получится "в квартире немало мебели", а во втором "в квартире немного мебели". Но и то, и другое будет грамматически правильно, потому что furniture — неисчисляемое существительное, поэтому с ним может использоваться и little, и much, но не может использовать few или many.